Games Library Inventory
Updated 3/6/25
5 Minute Dungeon (Kickstarter-Dungeon Master Edition) (plus Curses Fouled Again Expansion) |
6 Nimmt |
7Ate9 |
7 Wonders |
10 Days in Europe |
221 Baker Street |
1830: Railways and Robber Barons |
1835 |
1846: The Race for the Midwest |
1856: Railroading in Upper Canada from 1856 |
1861: Railways of the Russian Empire |
1867: Railways of Canada |
Abalone |
Above and Below |
Abracada…What? |
Ace Detective |
Adrift: Lost at Sea |
Aeon’s End |
Africana |
Agricola |
Albion |
Alhambra |
Alien |
Altiplano |
Amyitis |
Anomia |
Apotheca |
Apples to Apples |
Apples to Apples Jr. |
Aquarius |
Arcadia |
Architects of the West Kingdom |
Arch Ravel |
Are You a Werewolf? Delux Ed. |
Ark&Noah |
Ark Nova (plus Zoo Map 2 pack) |
ArkhamHorror |
Arraial |
ArtifactStack |
Ascension |
Ascension:Dreamscape |
Assyria |
AttrAction |
Augsburg1520 |
Autumn Harvest: A Tea Dragon Society Card Game |
Aztlan |
Azul |
Azul: Summer Pavilion |
Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra |
Back to the Future:The Card Game |
BadBeets |
Bananagrams |
BananaParty |
Bang! The Bullet |
Bang! Duel |
Bang! The Dice Game |
Beer and Vikings |
Bell-Bottomed Badasses On The Mean Streets Of Funk |
Beowulf: The Legend |
Betrayal at House on the Hill |
Biblios |
Big Idea, The (plus expansion pack) |
Bin ‘Fa |
Bioshock Infinite: Siege of Columbia |
Black Handed Henry’s Potion Party |
Blokus |
Bloodsuckers |
Bloom |
Bohnanza |
Boon Lake |
Boop. |
Boss Monster |
Bounce Off |
Bowling for Zombies!!! |
Boxcars |
Boxtop Pinball Haunted House |
Brains |
Brains Family |
Brick Party |
Brikks |
British Rails |
Bruges |
Bunny Kingdom |
Bushwhackin’ Varmints out of Sergio’s Butte |
Cabanga! |
Cacao |
Calico |
Caligula |
Camel Up |
Camp Scramble |
Campy Creatures |
Canvas (Delux) |
Captain Sonar |
Carcassonne (plus River expansion and Inns and Cathedrals expansion) |
Carcassone: Dice Game |
Carpe Astra |
Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale |
Cash and Guns |
Castellan-English version (red) |
Castellan-International version (green) |
Castles of Burgundy |
Castle of the Devil |
Castle Panic |
Cat Cafe |
Catan |
Catan Jr. |
Cat Lady |
Caveman |
Centipede |
Century: Spice Road |
Cerebria |
Chang Cheng |
Cheesonomics (pluss Extra Sharp expansion) |
Chickyboom |
Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger |
Chopstick Dexterity MegaChallenge 3000 |
Chronology |
Chrononauts |
Clacks |
Clank! In! Space! |
Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (plus Wisdom of Bastet expansion) |
Climbers (The) |
Clockwork Kingdom |
Clubs |
Coaster Park |
Codenames |
Codinca |
Coffee Roaster |
Colt Express |
Compounded (plus Geiger Expansion) |
Comuni |
Copenhagen |
Counting Zzzzs |
Coup |
Covalence |
Coven |
Cramium |
Crew, The |
Crows |
Cthulhu: A Deck Building Game |
Cubirds |
Cubo |
Cupcake Acadamy |
Current Number of the Beast |
Cutthroat Caverns |
D.C. Comics Deck Building Game: Heroes Unite |
Dark, Darker, Darkest |
Darkest Night (1st ed) |
Darkrocks Ventures |
Dark Tales Snow White |
Dastardly Dirigibles |
Dead Panic |
Deadwood Studios, USA |
Dice Forge |
Dice Hospital |
Dice Throne Season1: Rerolled |
Dice Throne : Season 2 |
Dice Upon a Time |
Dicey Goblins |
Dig Down Dwarf |
Dino Daze |
Dinosaur Island (plus Liquid expansion ) |
Dinosaur Island Rawr and Write |
Diplomacy |
Discover: Lands Unknown |
Discworld Ankh-Morpork |
Dive |
Dixit |
Dominion |
Dominion: Adventures |
Dominion: Alchemy |
Dominion: Cornucopia |
Dominion: Dark Age |
Dominion: Empires |
Dominion: Guilds |
Dominion: Hinterlands |
Dominion: Intrigue |
Dominion: Menagerie |
Dominion: Nocturn |
Dominion: Prosperity |
Dominion: Renaissance |
Dominion: Seaside |
Don’t L.L.A.M.A. Dice |
Downfall of Pompeii |
Downforce |
Dragon Parks |
Dragonwood: A Game of Dice and Daring |
Dreamwell |
Drop It |
Dune Imperium |
Dungeon Venture |
Eclipse |
Edo |
Egizia |
Elder Sign (plus Gates of Arkham expansion and Unseen Forces expansion) |
Empire builder |
Endangered |
Endless Winter: Paleoamericans |
Enigma |
Entdecker |
Epic PvP: Fantasy (plus expansions 1 & 2) |
Escape: The Temple |
Escape Plan |
Euphoria |
Eurorails |
Everdell |
Evolution |
Exoplanets |
Exploding Kittens |
Express the Railroad Card Game |
Fairy Land |
Fate of the Elder Gods (plus Beasts from Beyond Expansion) |
Firefly: The Game |
Fire of Eidolon |
Fish Frenzy |
Fishing for Words |
Five Crowns |
Five Fingered Severance |
Five Tribes |
Flamecraft |
Flamme Rouge |
Flash Point:Fire Rescue |
Fleet |
Flick ’em Up |
Flock |
Floriferous |
Fluxx4.0 (plus 10 card TableTop expansion) |
Fluxx – The Board Game |
Fluxx – Anatomy |
Fluxx – Batman (plus Killer Crock and Scarecrow creepers) |
Fluxx – Chemistry |
Fluxx – Dr Who |
Fluxx – EcoFluxx 1.0 |
Fluxx – Family Fluxx |
Fluxx – Marvel |
Fluxx – Oz Fluxx |
Fluxx – Pirate Fluxx |
Fluxx – Zombie |
Fly-a-Way |
Forbidden Desert |
Forbidden Island |
Forbidden Jungle |
Forbidden Sky |
Foretold: Rise of a God |
FormulaD |
Formula E |
Four Corners |
Four Tribes (plus Solstice expansion) |
Frag Gold Edition (plus FTW Expansion) |
Fromage |
Fuse |
Gaia Project |
The Game |
Game Election (plus Dictator expansion) |
Game of Thrones |
Gear and Piston |
Get Lucky |
Get on Board: Paris and Roma |
Get the MacGuffin |
Ghost Blitz (Geistes Blitz) |
Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters |
Gingerdead House |
Give Me the Brain |
Gloom |
Gobble Stones |
Good Puppers |
Gother than Thou |
Grackles |
Grave Business |
Grave Robbers from Outer Space |
Grave Robbers 2: Skippy’s Revenge |
Grave Robbers 3: Surburban Slashers from Sunnydale Street |
Gravwell |
Great Heartland Hauling Company |
Great Persuader, The |
Grind House (plus Cthulhu/Carnival expansion and Krampus expansion) |
Gubs |
Hanabi |
Hansa Teutonica |
Hardback |
Harbour |
Haunting House (1st ed) |
Havana |
Havok and Hijinks |
Heads of State |
Heat |
Hegemonic |
Heir to the throne |
Herbaceous |
Herd Mentality |
Heroes of Tenefyr |
HeroQuest (plus Rogue Heir of Elethorn) |
HerStory |
Hex-Hex XL |
Hey! That’s my Fish! |
Hisss |
Hive (plus The Pillbug and Mosquito Expansions) |
Hoity Toity |
Homia |
Honshu |
Horrified |
Hunters of Archfall |
Ice Cream |
IceyDicey |
Illuminati |
Illusion |
I’m a Little Crabby |
Imhotep |
Imperial Settlers Roll and Write |
In a Pickle |
Indigo |
Innovation Delux |
Ion |
Iron Dragon |
Isle of Cats |
Isle of Trains |
Istanbul (plus Caravan Leader expansion) |
Jaipur |
Jaws |
Jenga |
Joking Hazard |
Jolly Roger |
Junk Orbit |
Junta: Viva El Presidente |
Kahn of Kahns |
Kaiju Krush |
Kelp: Shark vs Octopus (plus Blilliant Behaviours expansion) |
Kemomimi Panic |
Kenny G: Keepin’ it Saxy |
Keyforge: Call of the Archons |
Kill the Unicorns |
Killer Bunnies |
Kingdomino |
Kingdomino Age of Giants expansion |
King of New York (plus King Kong expansion) |
King of Tokyo (plus Halloween Expansion, Panda powerup, Cybertooth, Anubis and Cthulhu expansion) |
King Up |
Kingdom Builder |
Kingsport: Festival |
Knightmare Chess |
Knit Wit |
Koala |
Kodama Forest |
Kodama: The Tree Spirits |
Kodama: 3D |
Koi |
Labyrinth |
Labyrinth Jr. |
Lanterns (plus Emporer’s Gifts expansion) |
Lanterns Dice |
Lascaux |
Last Banquet, The |
LaStrada |
Le Boomb |
Legend of the Wendigo |
Legendary (plus Expansion-Paint the Town Red // Villains (separate box)) |
Legendary Forests |
Lemming Mafia |
Leonardo DaVinci |
Letter Jam |
Libertalia |
Llamagedon |
Loch Ness |
Lock Up |
London |
Loonacy |
Loopin’ Louis |
Lords of Vegas |
Lords of Waterdeep (plus Scoundrels of Skullport expansion) |
Lost Cities |
Lotus |
Love Letter |
Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice |
Lungarno |
Macao |
Machi Koro |
Maharani |
Mammut |
Management Material |
Mansions of Madness 2d |
Mariposas |
Marrakech |
Mars Attacks |
Martian Rails |
Marvel United |
Mascarade (plus expansion) |
Mass Transit |
Master Builder |
Matcha |
Mausoleum |
Medina |
Mental Blocks |
Menu Masters |
Merchants Cove |
Merchants of Amsterdam |
Mexican Train Dice |
MidEVIL Delux |
Mighty Monsters |
Mille Bornes |
Mind, The |
Minute RPG |
Mmm…Brains |
Mole Rats in Space |
Monsdrawsity |
Monster Laundry |
Morels |
Munchkin |
Munchkin Bites |
Munchkin Fu (plus MF ex2: Monky Business, Wikid Munchkin Dice) |
Munchkin Panic! |
Munchkin Zombies |
Museum Heist |
Mysterium |
Mystic Vale (plus Conclave, Harmony, Mana Storm, Twilight Garden, Vale of Magic, Vale of the Wild) |
Nacho Loco |
NanoBot Battle Arena |
Nanofictionary |
Near and Far |
New England Railways |
New Haven |
New York 1901 |
Night Sky Finder |
Nile: Deluxor Expansion |
Ninja All Stars Karate Fight |
Ninja Burger (plus Sumo Size Expansion) |
Ninja Dice |
Nippon Rails |
Nitro Dice |
Nokosu Dice |
No Thank You, Evil! |
Nuclear War (plus expansions: WMD and a skull booster pack) |
Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon |
One Deck Dungeon |
One False Step for Mankind (plus One False Step Home expansion) |
Operation: Kindergarten |
Oregon Trail |
Origami |
Out of Gears |
Outpost Siberia |
Overworld (plus 5 player expansion) |
Oyyaa |
Paco Sako |
Pairs in Pears |
Pan Am |
Pandemic |
Pandemic: Hot Zone North America |
Pantone |
Paperback |
Paper Tales (plus Beyond the Gate expansion) |
Papillon Gardens (delux) |
Parfum |
Parks |
passtally |
Patchwork |
Pengoloo |
Phase 10 |
Piece o’ Cake |
Pizza Theory (plus Anchovie Expansion) |
Photosynthesis |
Planet |
Point Salad |
Police Precinct 2nd ed. |
Port Royale |
Potion Explosion |
Power Grid |
Priests of Ra |
Princes of Florence, The |
Provincia Romana |
Puerto Rico |
Purrballs: Catventure Card Game |
Q-bits (solo Orange edition) |
Queendomino |
Queen’s Architect |
Qwirkle |
Qwixx |
Race for the Galaxy (plus Gathering Storm and Rebel vs Imperium expansions) |
Race to Adventure |
Raiders of the North Sea |
RailRoad Ink: Challenge Shining Yellow |
Ransom Notes |
Rat Splatter |
Red Dragon Inn (plus Expansion 2,3,4,5, Adonis v. Lich King, &Pookie) |
Red Dragon Inn 6: Villains |
Red Rising |
Reef |
Revolution! |
Rick and Morty: Total Rickall Card Game |
Rival Restaurants |
Riverboat |
River Valley Glassworks |
Roar-a-Saurus |
Roboralley |
Robot Turtles |
Roll for the Galaxy (plus Ambition expansion) |
Roll Player (plus Frogkin player, Fiends & Familiars Exp, Monsters & Minions exp) |
Roller Coaster Rush |
Rolling America |
Room 25 |
Root |
Rummikub Dice Game |
Run for your life, Candyman |
Running with the Bulls |
Ryu |
Saboteur: The Dark cave |
Sagrada |
Sake and Samuri |
Salmon Run (plus Fisherman expansion) |
San Juan-card game |
Santorini |
Santorini: New York |
Scandinavia and the World: A Heap of Trouble |
Scout |
Scythe |
Sea Salt and Paper |
Seasons |
Seikatsu |
Sentinels of the Multiverse (plus Rook City, Infernal Relics, Wager Master, Wrath of the Cosmos expansions) |
Sequence |
Set |
Settlers of America: Trails to Rails |
Shaky Manor |
Sheepy Time |
Sheriff of Nottingham |
Shogun |
Showbiz Shuffle |
Silent but Deadly Night |
Silver & Gold |
Simply Suspects |
Skipbo |
Skull Roses |
Skyscrapers |
Sky Team |
Smallworld |
Smallworld Underground |
SmashUp (plus Cthulhu, Science Fiction Double Feature, Big Geeky Box expansions) |
Sojourner Tales |
Something Different |
Sonora |
S.O.S. Dino |
Soverign Skies |
Space Base |
Spectral Rails |
Spike |
Spirit Island |
Spirit Island (Horizons of) |
Spirits of the Wild |
Splendor (plus nobles promo) |
Spooky Castle |
Spot it |
Spots |
Spy Alley |
Spynet |
Starlink |
Star Realms |
Star Trek: Five Year Mission |
Steam Park |
Steampunk Rally |
Steam: Rails to Riches |
Steam up |
Sternenfahrer von Catan (Starfarers of Catan) |
Streets |
Stone Age |
Stop Lights |
Strada-Romana |
Succulent |
Super Circles |
Super Dungeon Explorer: Forgotten King (plus Super Ninja Ambush! expansion) |
Super Motherload |
Super Vampire |
Sushi Go |
Sushi Go Party! |
Suspend |
Table is Lava, The (plus expansion and Playmat) |
Taboo |
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza (Halloween Ed) |
Taco vs Burrito |
Tahiti |
Tak |
Takamachi |
Takenoko |
Talisman |
Tannhauser |
Tapestry |
Tattoo Stories |
Tea Dragon Society |
Telestrations |
Templar |
Tentacle Town |
Terraforming Mars |
Terra Nova |
Terrifying Girl Disorder |
Terror Below (plus Hidden Cache expansion) |
That’s Pretty Clever |
This Belongs in a Museum |
Three Little Pigs |
Three Sisters |
Ticket to Ride |
Ticket to Ride: The Card Game |
Ticket to Ride: Europe |
Ticket to Ride: First Journey |
Ticket to Ride: Germany |
Ticket to Ride: New York |
Ticket to Ride: Rails and Sails |
Tiger Stripes |
Timeline: Inventions |
Tiny Epic Defenders |
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs (Delux) |
Tiny Epic Dungeons (Delux plus TED Stories expansion) |
Tiny Epic Galaxies |
Tiny Epic Mechs |
Tiny Epic Pirates (plus Crimson Silver Expansion, Curse of Amdiak expansion) |
Tiny Epic Tactics (plus Map Expansion) |
Tiny Epic Vikings (plus Shamans expansion and Ragnarok expansion) |
TinyEpic Zombies (Delux) |
Tiny Towns |
Tokaido plus Crossroads |
Totemland |
Touria |
Tower of Madness |
Towers of Arkhanos |
Trains |
Traintopia |
Trajan |
Travel Blog |
Trekking the World |
Tricky Druids |
Tri-Versity |
Tsuro |
Tsuro of the Seas |
Tumult Royal |
Twilight Imperium 4d |
Two Rooms and a BOOM |
Ubongo |
Ultimate Werewolf (Ted Alspach’s) |
Unearth |
Unexploded Cow |
Unlucky Sevens |
Uno |
Unspeakable Words Deluxe |
Unstable Unicorns |
Urbanization |
Valley of the Kings |
Venture Forth |
VEX Flag Card Game |
Viceroy |
Victorian Masterminds |
Village Crone |
Villainous: The Worst Takes it all (plus Filled with Fright expansion) |
Villainous filled with fright |
Villainous: Perfectly Wretched |
Villainous:Evil Comes Prepared |
Viticulture |
Wakanda Forever |
War&Sheep |
Warehouse 51 |
Wasteland Express Delivery Service |
Wayfinders |
Wavelength |
We Didn’t Playtest This at All |
Welcome To… |
What is He Building in There? |
Whiff |
Wildstyle |
Wingspan |
Witches, The |
Wizard |
Wombat Rescue |
Wonder Book |
World Monuments |
Worm Up |
X-Machina |
Yashima: Legend of the Kami Masters |
Zombicide |
Zombie Dice |
Zombie House Blitz |
Zombie Survival: The Board Game |
No Book Tabletop games? Like Shadowrun? Seems like mostly card-based games.
Hi James. The Games Library is primarily used for casual games to play at either the U-Con convention or the monthly Games Library Days. Ergo, it’s pretty much board and card games since RPGs are a little more complex to carry out at the monthly GLDs and U-Con offers a whole passel of RPGs as part of the standard scheduling.
If you have any ideas about simple RPG light games which can be played right out of the box (no GM prep time) and can be played in the space of 1-2 hours let me know. I have a wish list for games to add to the Library and I’m always looking for more ideas.