Welcome to U-Con!

Tomorrow is the day! For those of you who are returning U-Con attendees, we are excited to see you again for a weekend of awesome gaming.  If it’s your first time attending a U-Con, welcome!  We hope all of you have a lot of fun playing games and getting together with your other fellow game lovers, but most of all we hope you have the best experience possible.  This starts with a little self care. We recommend following the daily 7-2-1-H! rule of thumb for each day: Get 7 hours of sleep, eat at least 2 full meals, and take at least 1 shower or bath for hygiene. 

What’s the H stand for? Hydration! There will be water stations and cups in various locations around the hotel and you are always welcome to bring a water bottle so you don’t have to run to refill your cup in the middle of play.  There will also be drinks available for purchase in the lobby area from Friday (11AM-12AM), to Saturday (8AM-12AM), and Sunday (8AM-4PM). The convention center is big and dry and it’s surprising how fast you can become dehydrated. 

There will be food service on site in various forms (we will again have buffet service and the hotel also has a restaurant on site), and this year we have a coffee truck in the parking lot in the AM. Don’t wait until you are hangry; take a break and pick up some food at least twice in your gaming day. As always, buying food at the food service line helps the convention out so if you decide to have one or two of your meals there we would be most appreciative.  Last year the chicken tenders were next level and the pulled pork, in my opinion, has always been solid. 

As far as sleeping and bathing/showering, don’t skimp on these for the sake of getting in one more game.  If you didn’t get your full 7 in one go, try taking some time out of your day to get a nap in. I don’t know who perpetuated the myth that adults shouldn’t take naps because they are absolutely wrong.  Even a power nap can refresh you and make the rest of your day go so much better. I shouldn’t need to expound on showering/bathing should I?

A clean, rested, well fed, and hydrated gamer is everyone’s favorite type of gamer.  

We’ve had some new game additions and some game cancellations to the schedule.  Take a peek over at Table Top Events to see what’s being offered. Or you can stroll through the ballroom and look for tables with green cones indicating they need more players. Lastly, you can borrow a game from the Games Library.  With over 600 games there should be one you will want to play.

What about parking? Parking is free for U-Con attendees.  They should have the gates up Friday through Sunday but in case they don’t: If you arrive Thursday night, bring your car through the self parking gate. Take a ticket.

Hotel guests under U-Con group code: when you check in, your hotel room should have the UCon parking voucher attached. You will use your room key to go in and out of the gate after that.

Non hotel guests: pick up a voucher slip from U-Con staff, and scan that to exit.

In both cases, if you hit any kind of error, use the button to call for hotel help, and tell them you’re with U-Con. If you run into any other problems about parking while at the con, head over to OPS (registration) and they can help get it sorted out.

Lastly, here’s an important link to U-Con’s policies. Returning attendees might want to take a peek and refresh your memory and new people will want to go over the policies just so we are all on the same page.

Welcome to U-Con 2024, we are so glad to see you!