Several Small Announcements
Holy Moley folks, it’s less than 2 weeks until D-Day! Does everyone have their U-Con list of what you’re bringing all settled? GMs, have you taken a second look at the rules for the games you are running? This is a great time to crack them out and refresh your memory.
On the fence about volunteering or running a game? There is still time to sign up to do that. GMs can enter events up to November 13th…plenty of time! (No it’s not, I’d suggest submitting that event you are waffling on sooner rather than later). To that end, it’s always worth attendees’ time to look over the schedule to see what new games might have been submitted. You never know, maybe it is your favorite game ever in the history of ever.
Here in “Things I should probably have done much earlier” land, there is now a list over on the Vendor’s Page of all the wonderful vendors who will be in the Vendor Hall this year. They are also listed on Table Top Events if you happen to be looking there as well. I recommend that you take a moment and poke around their sites, see if there is any Must Have items that you will want to budget for.
Lastly, I finally got the Games Library situated and the list over on the Games Library Inventory page is now as up to date as it’s going to be. All 643 games plus expansions will be available for you to play all U-Con weekend long during Games Library Hours. Go give the list a look and see if there is anything there that you want to play. Alternately, if you think there is a game that the Library should have, there will be suggestion forms available on site to fill out.
Looking forward to seeing people in 11 days!