Volunteering And You: A Guide

U-Con relies on community members to volunteer to help run the convention! We can’t do this without you! If you’re curious on volunteering, here’s a list of different roles and shifts you can sign-up to help out with.

Setup & Teardown –
Looking to stretch out those muscles or push things around? Then we’ve got some shifts for you! Setup & Teardown shifts are helping to get the convention ready or putting the convention away. We have shifts on Thursday which are to help unload our truck and get the Games Library shelves set up and stocked. In addition to Thursday setup, each day of the convention, U-Con needs to set up and put away the registration desk area and Games Library. On Sunday when the convention is wrapping up, we’ll get the convention put away. Most of these times are not during event times, so if you’re looking to volunteer and not interfere with your gaming during the weekend, we recommend looking into these shifts!

Registration –
Registration shifts are working at our operations desk, helping out fellow attendees. This can include badge pick-up, attendee registration, and general customer service questions. Our Ops Captains will be on site to help assist learning the Tabletop Events system or handle more complicated customer service questions. If you’re curious on how a convention runs during the event, this is a great opportunity to learn all about it.

Games Library –
Looking to help people pick out board games to try? Willing to teach people some games? The Games Library shifts are what you’d be looking to volunteer for. You’ll be checking games in and out from the U-Con Games Library, answering questions about the games to the best your ability, and if you’re comfortable doing a bit of teaching, teaching some games to those who need an additional assist. Games Library shifts are some of the more chill shifts you can sign up for.

Auction –
We have a couple of volunteering slots for assisting with the charity auction. These are to help check-in items for the auction and other slots to help keep the auction moving smoothly along. You can still bid on lots if you are volunteering for the auction itself, making volunteering for this a two in one opportunity.

Ops Captains –
These are special volunteer slots for those who will be overseeing the convention itself during their shift. If there is something that a regular volunteer can’t or should not be handling, the Ops Captain will be point person to get things resolved. Due to this, Ops Captain slots are selected to those who have volunteered in the past. We will be very selective for this role.

In order to volunteer for any of these shifts, you’ll be using Tabletop Events to sign-up. We don’t have sign-ups open quite yet, but we expect they will be showing by the time event preview happens and sign-ups available when events go live. Don’t forget that those who volunteer and/or GM for at least 8 hours qualify for a discounted weekend badge to U-Con. 16 or more hours of volunteering/GMing will earn you a compensated weekend badge.

As the idiom goes, Many Hands Make Light Work. Come out to volunteer and make this year’s U-Con a wonderful experience for everyone!