U-Con 2022 Convention Reminders

Hello U-Con Attendees!

U-Con 2022 is now two weeks away, starting on October 7th. It’s been three years since we’ve had a convention in-person. This might be your first convention since then, or even your first convention in general! So, let’s go over some convention advice as reminders to make everyone’s convention a fun and safe experience.

First, you need to take care of yourself during the convention. We recommend following the 7-2-1 rule of thumb. That is getting at least 7 hours of rest each night, at least 2 full meals a day for nutrition, and at least 1 shower/bath a day for hygiene. We know you want to spend every moment enjoying U-Con, but it’s important that you take some time away from the convention to take care of your own needs.

We also recommend staying hydrated the entire convention. We will have water service available in our gaming rooms, but having to deal with masking during a convention can make having to take your mask off each time to drink from cups or glasses. We recommend bringing along a water bottle, especially one with a straw if you have it. That way, it’s easier to lift your mask and get your drink without having to fully remove your mask.

Something that can easily be forgotten is having good footwear for a convention. Chances are that you may not have been on your feet as often as of late, I know I’m not walking around as much as I have previously. With that in mind, please make sure that you’ve got well fitting footwear to use while walking around the convention. Even if you’re going in cosplay, have another pair of footwear on hand that will work for you when you’re not in costume.

Speaking of cosplay and costuming, U-Con has a cosplay policy, which talks about what types of costumes are allowed and how weapon-like objects are to be handled. All of our convention policies are listed here, which we recommend you re-read up on before entering the convention. Cosplay does not mean consent.

Due to tickets being included as part of your badge, we no longer have generic tickets. This also means that you can reserve spots at a game right from your smart device! If you show up to an event and there are open tickets, we politely request that you reserve them to ensure you have a spot in that game. You won’t be required to go out and get a ticket printed. However, if someone else shows up that they have reserved a spot and you haven’t, then preference will go to the person with a ticket. Our online registration will remain open until U-Con closes, so you can still get those event tickets now!