Horrified – The Unboxinating!
I’m working through a generous stash of donations to the Games Library and this one amused me as I opened it for parts counting. So I thought I’d do an Unboxinating while I was at it. In Horrified from Ravensburger you get to play a classic movie monster doing whatever it is that your classic movie monster of choice does.
Number One: Game Parts! There are a LOT of bits to this game; standy punchouts, chits, cards, figures, sturdy character punchouts, a black bag for putting black bag stuff in, giant monster info sheets and a really big board…

with a message for all of us!
Number 2: Cards. I really like the design for the two different decks. Very distinctive (and the hands one reminds me a little of The Blair Witch Project, which may not be the intent but it fits thematically. I’m going to go with it). I am not a fan of how stiff and sticky the cards are (in the “not sliding” sense, not the “covered in honey” sense). I miscounted a couple times because the cards are not really friendly for any kind of easy fast counting. Perhaps they will ease up over time. At least I’m hoping they do because I do NOT want to have to singly and carefully slide a card off the stack and count it. Then slide the next card off the stack and count that one. And so on. Two! Two Monster Cards AH HA HA! (SendHelpThisIsGonnaTakeForever).
Number 3: This is the second time I’ve encountered plastic wrapped punch outs. Thanks I guess? I’m not a huge fan as it seems like a bit of a waste to wrap bits that will be fairly protected in a box. But here they are and here they were unwrapped. And then punched out. And then I wondered where they would all go as there were not a lot of bags provided to transfer bits to. I finally juggled everything around (heyyyy! Black bag for putting black bag stuff in!) and I think it’s all good.
Number 4: Monsters. Apparently you can play (bottom to top) Dracula, The Mummy, Frankenstein and The Bride (who are oddly taller than all the other figures), The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Wolf Man, and The Invisible man. That’s the classic Hammer Films line up there.
Heh, OK you actually get an Invisible Man. The visual joke was just too good to pass up.
Number 5: I have questions. Who missed the opportunity to cast the Creature from the Black Lagoon in black? He’s purple, why? Why are Frankenstein and the Bride (technically The Monster and The Bride but whatever) significantly taller than the other figures? Why did I have a weirdly hard time distinguishing The Mummy from The Wolf Man? I mean The Mummy is in classic one arm shuffle pose but I kept looking at the figure and saying, “That’s The Mummy yeah?” And then I’d have to give it a good eyeballing to confirm that yes, it was The Mummy.
Lastly :