The Half Way Mark for Game Submission

Time is weird these days but in mathing out the numbers I discovered that we have hit the half way mark for submitting events for U-Con 2021. Thank you to all the GMs who have already submitted events; You Are Awesome! Pre-thanks to all you GMs who are thinking of submitting events but haven’t quite gotten there; U-Con wouldn’t be half as cool without all of you running your games. A word tho, there are only 26 more days to go before event submission is closed so think about submitting what you have so far and take the rest of the time to make it perfect!

For those of you who have never run a game or have been thinking of running but maybe haven’t yet for whatever reason…why not make 2021 your year? I bet you pull off the best game ever!

As per previous years, you will need to create a login with our registration system in order to submit events or preregister for the convention.