Featured Game: Earthdawn

Earthdawn – it is known as the Age of Legends. It’s a classic game system that has been around since the early 90s. It was Fasa’s play of doing fantasy to compete with Dungeons and Dragons. It was also so much more. Fasa also linked it to its better selling Shadow run, by making it the 4th world while Shadowrun is the 6th. They also wanted to breath new life in to the old tropes of fantasy that has been around for decades.
Earthdawn has gone through lots of changes. Fasa stopped production of it in the late 90s. They gave Living room games the license to make 2nd edition. That was done to mixed reviews. So they gave Red Brick the license to make classic which was a revising of 1st edition. Red brick that they need more leeway than that would allow them. So they made 3rd edition. Which fixed a lot of rules but keep the same feel. They also advanced the time line in Shadowrun fashion. During this time Fasa basically shuttered and sold off Shadowrun which severed their connection. Our Guest of Honor Steve Kenson wrote sever books for Earthdawn.
Currently Earthdawn is being produced by Fasa Games and in its 4th edition. They again have advanced the time line and refined the rules as well. There have been 2 podcasts on rules and currently there is a actual play gaming podcast called Legends of Earthdawn. The cast mostly made up of shadowrun podcasters and the Earthdawn liSe developer.
Please join me on Saturday at 8pm when I GM an Introductory adventure called Journey to Lang. I have been playing since first edition and was one of the play testers in second edition.
– Matt H
U-Con volunteer coordinator