Welcome back ConTessa!
Hi everybody! It looks like a lot of you are already signed up through our pre-registration system, but there’s still plenty of room for folks who are still doing their planning.
We wanted to welcome our friends ConTessa back for U-Con 2019!

ConTessa is an organization of marginalized GMs, artists, game developers, and gamers that runs events in what they like to call their “Safer Space”.
Why should you come check them out this year? “Our goal is to inspire others to also step into the roll of the GM through radical representation. Our GMs are all marginalized in some way. This includes, but is not limited to LGBTQ people, the disabled, BIPOC, non-binary people, and women. Our players come from any demographic, so please stop by and check out what games we have on offer. The kind folks at U-Con have welcomed ConTessa into their arms like family. The convention has a positive, upbeat vibe to it, the staff is committed to a convention that’s safe for everyone and welcoming to all, and when things go wrong they act decisively to resolve the problem in a way that keeps everyone safe.”
ConTessa was founded in 2012 as a way to get more women into leadership roles in gaming. In 2016, after four years of running conventions online and at Gen Con, the organization became intersectional, welcoming and targeting more marginalized groups. In 2018, The ConTessa Foundation was formed, giving the organization non-profit status. Now, ConTessa runs events all over the country featuring a broad range of marginalized GMs who run a diverse cross-section of events.
What if you want to more about ConTessa before U-Con 2019? You can find all the information about our U-Con presence here: http://www.contessa. rocks/events-calendar/u-con- 2019 or you can read more about us and keep up with what we’re doing by hitting our website: http://www.contessa. rocks