Guest of Honor: Steve Kenson

Let’s give a big U-Con welcome to Steve Kenson! Steve is a tabletop RPG designer and author. He has been working professionally in the field since 1995, when he began writing for FASA Corporation’s Shadowrun RPG, followed by work on it’s Earthdawn fantasy RPG. Since then, Steve has worked on well over a hundred RPG products. In 2002, he designed the Mutants & Masterminds Superhero RPG for Green Ronin Publishing and later became its developer. At Green Ronin, Steve has designed products for M&M, True20 Adventure Roleplaying, Song of Ice & Fire Roleplaying, and the Adventure Game Engine (or AGE) System. He has also started his own imprint, Ad Infinitum Adventures, publishing products for the Icons Superpowered Roleplaying game he designed. Steve maintains a website at