August games we’re looking forward to

Happy Tuesday everybody!
Lots going on in the world of gaming so far this summer. Three games popped up onto my radar that I wanted to share with you this from last week:
Tapestry – Newly announced from Stonemaier Games, previously known only by it’s project codename “Clay.” From the designer that brought you Wingspan (released just after U-Con 2018, and a popular guest at many of our GLD events since), Scythe (2016, still in BGG top 10) and my personal favorite Viticulture, Tapestry is going to be a 4X civilization building game. Not available for pre-order yet, but maybe sometime toward the end of the month.
Clank! Legacy – Just opened to pre-orders Thursday, this promises to be a combination of 2016’s deck-building, dragon-avoiding, treasure-stealing adventure with the popular legacy mechanics of Gloomhaven and Pandemic Legacy (currently #1 and #2 on the BGG list). Clank! Legacy will take place in the ultra-popular Acquisitions, Inc. universe over a campaign of 10+ games.
Black Angel – From what I’ve heard, one of the more popular offerings at this year’s Gen-Con, Black Angel puts you and up to 3 friends in the pilot’s seat of an intergalactic frigate carrying what may be humanity’s last hope. Except you’re all artificial intelligences, vying to keep the humans safe while overcoming all the wacky hijinks that ensue during any centuries-long interstellar escapade. The theme reminds me a lot of Gen 7 (which I still haven’t gotten a chance to play yet) and the dice mechanics are apparently very reminiscent of Troyes. Pre-orders now available, but not out in the wild until September.
Have any of these games piqued your interest too? Each of them seems to be coming in around $100, so maybe you have some more affordable games (my favorite is the Great Brain Robbery from 2000) you want to share with folks in the meantime? Let us know on our Facebook page!
Hope you are having a great week,
Nick O.