Prize Support Policy
Hello Attendees,
U-Con has updated its Prize Support (PS) policy. More events are eligible for PS this year and we are adding special Drawings for some of the prizes!

Event Eligibility, Updated for 2014
In order to receive a Prize Token, an event must meet these criteria:
- Event tickets are not free.
- Has 3+ players with Event tickets or PGAW ribbons.
- GM has not made other PS arrangements with U-Con (e.g. tournaments).
Note that groups such as Pathfinder Society will be eligible for Prize Tokens (check w/Group Leaders for their individual availability).
Using Prize Tokens
- Prize Tokens may be traded directly for prizes or used to participate in Drawings.
- Each prize which may be earned by trading Prize Tokens will be labeled with the number of required Prize Tokens.
- Alternately, each Prize Token may be turned in for 3 Drawing tickets into one or more of our prize Drawings.
- Prize Tokens from previous U-Con will be honored. As before, Prize Tokens retain their value into next U-Con and may be used to trade for the next U-Con’s PS.
Drawings, New for 2014
Drawing tickets may be accrued in two ways:
- Claim a Drawings ticket with your badge at Ops (during Ops hours).
- Trade 1 Prize Token for 3 Drawings tickets at Ops (during Ops hours).
Some prizes will be slotted for Drawings instead of Prize Token trade. Each prize will be labeled with a designated time for the individual prize’s Drawing, with some taking place each day. Any prize with no Drawings ticket entries at its drawing time will be rescheduled for another, new Drawing, if time permits at the discretion of U-Con.
Winning ticket numbers for each Drawing will be posted at Ops. Please check the prize listings. Winners must have the matching ticket stub to claim their prize. Prizes must be picked up by the close of Ops on the day of the Drawing. If the prize is not picked up, its Drawing will be rescheduled for another, new Drawing, if time permits at the discretion of U-Con.
Other Info
Prizes are available during Ops hours. Please note that events run past the end of Ops hours, so GMs running later games may wish to award Prize Tokens early and take a break so the winner can pick out a prize.
- On Sunday, the number of Prize Tokens required for direct prize trade will be reduced. The policy for Drawings will remain the same.
- The stock of prizes which can be traded for Prize Tokens will be replenished as space and inventory permits.
- Concerns about PS policy should be raised with the Ops Captain (or to the Chair during Sunday’s Feedback Session). Please do not complain to our Volunteer Event Runners. They are only doing what we told them!