Evil Hat’s Leonard Balsera to be Guest of Honor

U-Con is pleased to announce 2013’s RPG Guest of Honor: Leonard Balsera, lead designer of Fate Core from Evil Hat Productions! He’s going to be helping us kick off a full track of Fate games and events here at the con!
Here’s his schedule:
- Friday: At 11pm, we’ll have a Fate Track Mixer at The View in the Marriott. Lenny will be there, carousing and saying hi to people.
- Saturday: Our big day! From 1pm-2pm, Lenny and a pair of Fate Track GMs will have a “Game Creation by Committee” panel, where they will build a Fate game from scratch with input from everyone in the audience. Then, Lenny and the GMs will each run a 4-hour game of whatever you come up with immediately afterward! From 6pm-7pm there’ll be a State of the Hat dinner in the convention center atrium, and then Lenny will run a second slot of the “by Committee” game!
- Sunday: From 12pm-1pm, Lenny will be in the dealer’s hall, signing books! If you need to pick up a copy of Fate Core or any other Evil Hat products, see Warriors 3 in the Dealer’s Hall.
In addition to Lenny’s events, we’ll have many other Fate games available. You can find information on those [[Fate Track|here]].
We hope you’ll join us in making this year’s [[Fate Track]] a successful one!
Who is Leonard?
Leonard Balsera is an award-winning game designer, writer, and developer. He has worked with Evil Hat Productions as a system developer on Spirit of the Century and The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game, and is the lead designer of Fate Core. He’s also done work for such companies as Pelgrane Press, Atomic Overmind Press, Onyx Path Publishing, and Margaret Weis Productions.
When he’s not designing all the things, he works as the marketing director and Chez Geek line editor for Steve Jackson Games. Very, very occasionally, he finds time to read and play video games. He lives in Austin, Texas with two cats and a food processor.
You can find Leonard on Twitter as @leonardbalsera.
What is Fate?
Fate Core is the newest roleplaying game from Evil Hat Productions, creators of Spirit of the Century and the Dresden Files Roleplaying Game. It recently had a very successful Kickstarter (one of the largest RPG Kickstarters ever), which has spawned an entire line of related supplements and other books. You can check it out right now – the PDF is available as a pay-what-you like download.